Difference Between Allied and Axis Powers

World War II was one of the biggest and deadliest events in the history of mankind. The conflict lasted for almost six years and started with the invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany and ended when Imperial Japan surrendered and became the last power to fall. The bloody war resulted in the death of 85 million people, an estimated 3% of the total population at the time. The terms Allied and Axis Powers originated during World War II. Several countries were involved in the conflict, which resulted in a global war against two different military alliances with the same interests. Germany, Japan, and Italy were the Axis Powers, while Britain, France, the United States, and the Soviet Union served as the Allied Powers. The aftermath of World War II ended up in establishing the Soviet Union and the United States as the two major superpowers in the World. China was engaged in a bloody war with Japan at the time of World War II; therefore, also considered an Allied Power by some.
The Allied Powers intended to defeat the invasions of the Axis Powers and end the fascist regimes in Germany, Italy, and Japan at the time, while the interests of the Axis Powers were forced territorial expansion and establishing themselves as the Superpowers. One of the main differences between the Axis and Allied Powers is that Allied Powers were ruled by rather liberal and democratic governments, while the Axial Powers were ruled by authoritarian dictators who brainwashed their citizens. The Allied Powers were established through a long-time history of military and foreign policies and therefore shared a stronger bond. The Axis Power members had the same intentions of territorial expansion and world dominion, but they never developed cordial relations among themselves. Both the Allied and Axis Powers wanted to overthrow the international order established after World War I through World War II. The Allied Powers wanted to overthrow the fascist regimes, while Axis Powers wanted to overthrow the United States from the Superpower status.
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